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Directory: Japanese: Netsuke (339)


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Japanese : Netsuke : Wood : Pre 1910 item #1500731 (stock #5043)
Mastromauro Japanese art
EUR €1,100
A boxwood netsuke depicting a partially peeled mandarin, carved with extraordinary realism. The peel reveals the segmented interior of the fruit, with every detail carefully defined. The texture of the peel and the veins of the leaves are extraordinary. Period: Meiji late 19th century. Dimensions: 2.6 x 4.1 x 3.6 cm. Condition: Excellent.
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1910 item #1500730 (stock #5041)
Mastromauro Japanese art
EUR €1,950
An ivory netsuke depicting a shishi crouching on a drum. The shishi rests one paw on a mokugyo, the traditional wooden drum used in Buddhist ceremonies. A hossu is concealed beneath the large drum. Signed Issei on the base. Period: Meiji late 19th century Dimensions: 1.9 x 4.4 cm. Condition: Excellent.
Japanese : Netsuke : Wood : Pre 1910 item #1500729 (stock #5048)
Mastromauro Japanese art
EUR €1,100
A boxwood netsuke depicting a Nio engaged in braiding the strings of a giant sandal. The Niō's expression is intense with sculpted muscles in tension and a determined face. Ringed Himotoshi and Hokei signature engraved under the base with a horn insert. Period: Meiji late 19th century Dimensions: 3.6 x 3.8 x 2.4 cm. Condition: Excellent.
Japanese : Netsuke : Wood : Pre 1900 item #1500619
Helen M Edwards
Length: 3.8 cm (1.6 in)
Height: 3.1 cm (1.3 in)
Depth: 1.6 cm (0.7 in)

Japanese wooden netsuke / toggle of a Shi Shi dog; well-modeled early piece; good patina and condition
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1910 item #1499721 (stock #5022)
Mastromauro Japanese art
EUR €1,250
A finely engraved and carved ivory netsuke depicting a horse in a twisting motion with its tail fluttering on its back under the holes of the himotoshi. Period: Meiji, late 19th century. Dimensions: 3.9 x 4.1 x 2 cm. Conservation status: Excellent condition.
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1800 item #1499263 (stock #2024-1290)
Curious netsuke or Okimono repurposed as netsuke made of dear antler. It represents a bag, probably full of rice that is held closed by three stings. On the top of the curve are two mouse or dormice. Their fur and tails are detailed, and eyes made of buffalo horn. Unidentified signature Japon – Meiji era (1868-1912) Length: 7 cm – width: 3 cm
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1800 item #1499260 (stock #2024-1264)
Netsuke representing Jurôjin standing, he is holding his long beard his left hand and in his right hand he holds a fan. He is wearing a long robe decorated with cloud motives and a traditional hat Jurôjin is a god of longevity and among the Seven Gods of Happiness, according to the Taoist beliefs. He is depicted as an old man with a long white beard, wearing a high hat and a long robe. His attributes are the fan and the pilgrim stick...
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1800 item #1499259 (stock #2024-1263)
Ivory manjû netsuke featuring a Noh masks group. Among the eleven masks, there are Okame, Hannya, Shôjo, Hyottoko, Oni, and Obeshimi. The multiple masks, delicately carved and the significant spacing between them, revealing the interior of the netsuke...
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1900 item #1499258 (stock #2024-1262)
Ivory netsuke with the Noh mask of Okame and a masu rice box. Okame, also known as Suzume, is the divinity of cheerfulness and good humour. Masu are traditional square measuring containers made of cypress wood, used for measuring foodstuffs such as rice, or for drinking sake. Signed Mitsuyuki (光之). Japan – Meiji era (1869-1912) Height: 0.7 in / 1.7 cm – width: 1.1 in / 2.8 cm – depth: 1.2 in / 3 cm
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1900 item #1499222 (stock #2024-1253)
Ivory Netsuke of Okame Noh mask, signed Hikari (光) on the back. Okame, also known as Otakufu, is a popular figure in Japanese folklore. She is often depicted as a cheerful, jovial woman with a round, smiling face, plump cheeks and small, squinty eyes. Okame is considered a symbol of good fortune and happiness...
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1800 item #1499221 (stock #2024-1254)
Netsuke of a wooden toad with its throat swollen. Made entirely in boxwood, the skin is treated with detail, the naturalistic pause suggests that the toad is croaking, the smooth texture of the goiter contrasts with the uneven sensation on the rest of the skin. The facial expression is very amusing and mimics the one of a real toad. The toad or frog (kaeru) is associated with good luck and wealth. Kaeru means both "toad" or "frog" and "to come home" in Japanese...
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1800 item #1499220 (stock #2024-1255)
Boxwood netsuke of a seated professional sneezer depicted as an old man with his right hand raised, holding an ivory stick to tickle himself. His head is slightly raised, his eyes practically closed and his mouth wide open, signs that he is about to sneeze. Himotôshi underneath, one hole larger than the other...
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1920 item #1498882
Helen M Edwards
Height: 5.4 cm (2.2 in)
Width: 2.5 cm (1.0 in)
Depth: 2.1 cm (0.8 in)

Japanese carved netsuke of Fukurokuju and two children; natural marine material; unstained scrim-work on the clothing; signed Naomasa; good condition
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1900 item #1498697 (stock #2024-1242)
Netsuke made from a natural lacquered calabash. Curved around itself, it has a main bulb at the bottom and a second smaller bulb below the opening. It is narrowed in the middle, where the silk cord is attached. Wooden stopper with red wax and coral ojime...
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1910 item #1498649 (stock #4925)
Mastromauro Japanese art
EUR €2,400
An ivory netsuke depicting a snake crossing a skull. The reptile insinuates itself into the lower part of the skull, crossing it with a sinuous movement and emerging from the empty orbit of one eye. Period: Meiji late 19th century. Dimensions: 3.8 x 2.5 x 2.8 cm. Condition: Excellent.
Japanese : Netsuke : Ivory : Pre 1900 item #1498606 (stock #2023-1152)
Ivory netsuke of a dog, right front paw resting on a shell. Black eyes in horn. Japan–Late Edo period (1615-1868) or Meiji era(1868-1912),19thcentury Width:1.2 in(3.5cm)–depth:0.8 in(2.5cm)–height:1.2 in(3cm)
Japanese : Netsuke : Wood : Pre 1900 item #1498605 (stock #2024-1266)
Boxwood netsuke representing a puppy with is eye made of buffalo horn, he weras a collar and hold a ball in its paws Underneath, a signature by Shin ou Asa (晨). Japan – Edo period (1603-1868) Height : 4 cm – Width: 3 cm – Depth: 4 cm
Japanese : Netsuke : Pre 1900 item #1498604 (stock #2024-1310)
Small sculpture depicting two yokai, monsters or spectres common in japanese folklore, known as Ashinaga-Tenaga, « Long legs – Long arms », holding a fish...
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